Hollywood Hills East

Found in the central region of Los Angeles California, Hollywood Hills East shares boundaries with Universal City, Burbank and Studio City in the North, Hollywood to the south, Griffith Park in the east and Hollywood Hills West to the west.

This neighborhood has one of the lowest population densities in the country. So pesky neighbors are far and in between. Here are a few of the neighborhoods within the area. These are Beachwood Canyon, Hollywoodland, Franklin Village, Hollywood Heights and Whitley Heights to name a few.

The school choices are quite diverse with a number of schools all found within the vicinity of the neighborhood. The Oaks private Elementary School, Valley View Elementary and American Film Institute are examples of these learning institutions in the area.

The area is also home to many prominent actors, sports icons and other famous personalities like Christina Aguilera, Salma Hayek, Billy Idol, Kevin Costner, Halley Berry and Justin Timberlake to name a few neighbors.

The area has all the amenities and facilities that will provide for the needs of its constituents. The neighborhood has parks, recreation centers, shopping malls, and everything else needed to live comfortably within the confines of the area.

The first step to finding the right place in Hollywood Hills East is having the best real estate broker on the market today, Debra Smalley. Her passion is best expressed by her involvement with helping other people. She will help you find your own piece of paradise. Call now and take the first step to that dream house.

Call 310 930.4838 or email hello@debrasmalley.com
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