Hollywood Hills West

Located in the central part of Los Angeles, Hollywood Hills West is primarily an urban area with a few commercial establishments on the fringes of the neighborhood. Hollywood Hills West touches Studio City on the north, Hollywood Hills on the east, Hollywood and West Hollywood on the south and Beverly Hills and Beverly Crest on the west.

Much like its neighboring areas, Hollywood Hills West also has a very low population density, making it the perfect place for people who value peace, silence and privacy.  The Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood is composed of Laurel Canyon, Nichols Canyon and Mount Olympus.

This neighborhood has an elementary school within the neighborhood. It also has a few attractions like Laurel Canyon Park, Runyon Canyon Park- excellent hiking trails and Wattles Garden Park among others.

This area is an ideal place to settle down, buy a house, raise a family, retire or relax. The neighborhood is well cared for by the local government and that is a reason why many prominent individuals choose to live here.  Some of these people are Katy Perry, Christina AguileraCameron DiazParis HiltonKylie MinogueLeonardo DiCaprio, and Keanu Reeves.

Debra Smalley’s lifetime commitment and passion are finding the perfect home for you. She is a consummate and powerful influencer as a real estate broker in Los Angeles.  She has your best interests at heart and her dedicated goal is to help you find the perfect house you want and need.

Call 310 930.4838 or email hello@debrasmalley.com
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